New ideas for a better Port Phillip


Alma Ward projects

Alma Ward has a unique set of challenges and needs, which will be my priority as your elected councillor:

Fair council investment in St Kilda East and Balaclava
Manage housing developments while protecting local amenity
Revitalisation of our shopping strips
Increased parks and tree canopy
Safe walkable corridors and cycling network
Help develop our local projects by completing the Alma Ward Community Survey below.

Port Phillip policies

I will pursue policies and initiatives across Port Phillip. These will be in addition to those for our neighbourhood:

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Addressing housing and inequality
Local services, amenity and equity
Council-run community childcare, libraries, and aged care
Accountability, integrity and transparency
Learn more about my policies, commitments, and priorities in the Port Phillip Policies section below.


Alma Ward Community Survey

I have plenty of ideas to improve our neighbourhood, but first I want to hear your priorities for your local area.


Action on climate change

Climate change is not just a federal and state issue. Our community already feels its impact. We face floods, inundation, saltwater intrusion, heat waves, and rising insurance and food costs.

Climate emergency action plan with funding, targets and timelines
Council support for electrification and decarbonisation
Coastal infrastructure review to protect council and resident assets
Urban forest funding and prioritisation to mitigate urban heat island effect
Action on housing and inequality

The housing and cost-of-living crises are putting vulnerable community members in financial jeopardy. Council must do more to ease these pressures. We need better housing policies. We need rate relief for vulnerable residents. And, the council must deliver affordable, quality services.

Inclusionary zoning and short-stay rental caps
Social housing investment to reduce housing pressure
Hardship relief funds for ratepayers and renters to ease cost-of-living
Action on amenity and equity

The suburbs of Port Phillip have vast inequality. We see this in housing density, public open space, council facilities, services, neighbourhood amenities, public transport, and active transport.

Improved Council delivery of childcare, libraries and rebuild aged care
New local parks to ensure equitable access to open space
Safe walkable streets for connectivity, accessibility, health and safety
Safe cycling and mobility network to relieve road network pressure
Action on accountability, integrity and transparency

Governments at all levels must work to build and protect their citizens’ trust. The City of Port Phillip must improve. It must improve its accountability, integrity, and transparency. They need to do this to keep their social license.

Annual suburb-by-suburb reporting of council investment to ensure fairness
Ensure council officers address resident questions at council meetings
Involve residents in key council decision-making through citizen juries
Ensure fair council investment across the City of Port Phillip
Keep Council services in public hands
Implement an overarching urban renewal and land use plan